Week 16 -"Christmas Check-In"

Dear Friends and Family,

I pray this communication finds you well.

I know everyone is busy with pre-holiday planning, including gift wrapping, baking and attending parties.

This newsletter will be very brief.  I would like to share a great resource, make a special request and update you regarding an upcoming project.

A Great Resource: Grieving During the Holidays

I certainly understand first-hand how much of a trigger the holidays can be when you are grieving the loss of a loved one.  Therefore, I just want to share a great resource from my church, North Point Community Church. 

Many of you may recall that the Restore program and my mentor, Vickie were both very instrumental in my healing.  Each year, close to Christmas, North Point hosts an on-line program titled, “Restoring Christmas” to comfort those who are grieving during the holidays.  I have viewed this program the past three years and have always found it to be extremely uplifting and comforting.

Below is the link to view this year’s program: 

A Special Request: New Social Media Accounts

As mentioned during my last newsletter, I decided to hire a marketing company to assist me with reaching those who can benefit from my book more directly and quickly.  It is going quite well.

With this in mind, I have brand new Facebook and Instagram business accounts and I invite each of you to Like or Follow me on both.  If you would also share these links with friends and family members, I would greatly appreciate it:

An Upcoming Project: Young Adult Fiction

Beginning in January, I will be working with a coach to write a fictional Young Adult book with a time-travel theme.  I truly have a passion for fictional works and positively impacting the lives of young adults.  The goal of this book is to accomplish both.

I will keep you updated regarding the progress and will share excerpts from the manuscript once it is close to completion.  I would love to hear your thoughts regarding the manuscript.

I will continue to balance my burning desire to help those who are grieving with the demands of this new project and future projects.  You will notice some changes to my web site and newsletters as I transition to focusing on both.

Prayer Request:

Please continue to pray for those who are grieving, especially those who are grieving during the holiday season.

What’s On Your Mind?

Please share any comments or feedback via the Comments section…Thank You!

Upcoming Events: 

  • Relavate Podcast Interview – January, 12th at 3:30 p.m EST
    • I will be interviewed regarding my book, “Unimaginable Loss…Godly Transformation” during this interview.
    • More details will be communicated closer to the date.
  • Please continue to check the Events tab for 2024 events.

Thank you for your support and prayers… 

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;  he is the Messiah, the Lord.’”

Luke 2:10-11 (NIV)

4 thoughts on “Week 16 – “Christmas Check-In””

  1. Thank you Kelli for all you are doing to heal a hurting heart especially for those grieving during this Christmas season. Love, Connie

  2. Hi Kelli, glad to know you and your family are well. We are doing well, also.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!♥️🙏🏾

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