Resources for Your Grief Journey
Westminster Church of Detroit
When I was a young adult, my childhood church, Calvin Presbyterian Church merged with Westminster Church of Detroit, a Presbyterian Church located in Detroit, MI. This church, along with Calvin were pivotal in both my decision to become a Christian at a very young age and my spiritual growth as a young adult.

North Point Community Church
My family and I have attended North Point Community Church, located in Alpharetta, GA since 2006. North Point played a critical role in my healing after the losses of my loved ones. North Point is also where I first entered into a growing relationship with Christ.
North Point Community Church – Restore Program
The North Point Community Church Restore Program pairs grieving individuals with trained volunteer mentors. These mentors lead individuals through a multi-week curriculum to assist them with accepting the losses of their loved one(s). The Restore Program and my grief mentor played a pivotal role in me releasing the guilt associated with having my mom removed from life support.

Pastor Joel Thomas, “Heaven (Part 3) - The Age to Come”, North Point Community Church, May 8, 2022,
This sermon, presented by Pastor Joel Thomas, at North Point Community Church, answered many questions for me regarding the transition of the soul after death and put my mind at ease regarding my recent losses.
Eagles Nest Church, Roswell, GA
Pastor Lee Jenkins, who wrote the very impactful and moving Foreword for my book is the Lead Pastor at Eagles Nest Church, located in Roswell, GA.

Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family is a global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive.
Dr. Kathryn Butler, “A Godly Perspective on End-of-Life Decisions (Part 1 of 2),” Focus on the Family, October 26, 2021,
This video was shared with me by my Restore Grief Mentor. The video features Dr. Kathryn Butler, a former trauma surgeon and Christian who shares a list of considerations a person should contemplate if they are faced with deciding whether a loved one should be removed from life support. This video was life-changing for me as I worked to release the guilt I felt due to having my mom removed from life support.

“Through the Eyes of a Lion”
Summit Counseling Center