Week 9-"The Story After the Book"
Dear Friends and Family,
Before I proceed with sharing this week’s content, I would like to pause
to honor the many Americans who lost their lives on September 11,
2001, exactly twenty-two years ago. It is easy for me to remember this
date because my son, Austin was born on September 27, 2001, a little
over two weeks after the unforgettable events that unfolded on that
day. I also want to pray for the family members and friends of those
who perished. I am sure they think of their lost loved ones daily.
This Week’s Feature:
This week, I am taking a detour from my normal book-related topics
to share a story that unfolded after I submitted my final manuscript to
the publisher.
Some of you are aware that I decided to begin seeing a therapist on the same day I submitted my final manuscript to the publishing company (mid-June of this year). I thought I was doing just fine, especially after pouring my feelings into my book. However, I later discovered I was pushing some feelings deep inside by staying busy.
This past Thursday, I completed my last session with my therapist at
Summit Counseling Center (a Christian counseling center and one of the
great resources included on my site). During the session, my therapist asked me how I was doing. I told him I am feeling great! I went on to explain that my book has blossomed into a ministry, and I am almost certain I have found my purpose in life.
The Five Stages:
He smiled and shared the following image with me (I obtained his permission to share it):

This image displays the five stages of grief, which is quite familiar. The
unique component of this image is the sub-stages depicted. “Dr. Troy”,
my therapist, asked me to identify my current level on the image. I told him I am at the Acceptance Stage. He agreed, then pointed out that I am at the top of the Acceptance Stage, which is “Helping Others”. I am not sharing this to boast, but to instead provide my perspective. I told him this graph makes me feel so much joy and I went on to elaborate…
My Confirmation
I told “Dr. Troy” I believe this illustrates that as Christians, the Lord not
only walks with us while we are grieving, but grief has a spiritual purpose. The Lord leverages grief as a transformational journey that culminates with us becoming more Christ-like so we can be His “hands and feet” for others (if we attain full acceptance). The graph confirms my belief that I have found my purpose in life.
My Answer to “Why, Lord?”
I went on to tell “Dr. Troy” I also believe I have an answer to my personal
“Why, Lord?”, which I mentioned in my book…I know I would not
have written the book if my loved ones had not passed away so close together nor so suddenly. Also, the individuals who are being helped by the book and the candid conversations surrounding it would not
have occurred.
Arriving at Acceptance
I must mention it has taken me over two years of grieving, publishing a book, therapy and tremendous support from family and friends to arrive at full Acceptance. For those of you who have recently lost a loved one, grief is a journey, and it takes a great deal of time and intentional passage through the stages to arrive at Acceptance. Give yourself permission to feel the pain…fear, anger, etc. Your journey may look very different from mine and the next person’s. That is okay!!!
Grief is the Journey…Healing is the Destination
Prayer Request:
Please pray for those who are grieving.
What’s On Your Mind?
Please share any key lines from the book (via the Comments section, text, e-mail, etc.) that you believe will uplift others who are grieving. I will begin sharing them in my posts…Thank You!
My Ask of You:
- Please join me in the prayer above.
- Please consider writing a review on Amazon or the site where you
purchased the book, once you have read it. - Please plan to attend as many of my upcoming Book Signing events as you can.
Upcoming Events:
- I will be selling and signing my book at The Atlanta Writers Conference Book Fair on Friday, November 3rd (11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) at the Westin Atlanta Airport Hotel.
- Check the Events tab of my site during the next few weeks to learn more about this event and other upcoming events.
Thank you for your support and
prayers…until next week…
“For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is
for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but
joy comes with the morning”
Psalm 30:5 (NIV)
That was beautiful and will definitely be a to those who are going through grief. Thank you for your transparency.
Cynthia, thank you so much for your uplifting affirmation. I pray my transparency opens doors for others to be transparent and most importantly, to have the courage to work through their grief.